Thursday, May 27, 2010

Free Course Offers Instant Healing from the Effects of Stress

Stress gets the best of all of us sometimes. Stress is brought on by many factors including work, relationships, money, kids or sudden and extreme changes in our situations. If it goes on for too long, our bodies' natural instinct is to defend itself and physical and psychological symptoms, such as headaches, backaches, and mood swings, chronic pain, and for some who don't deal well with it, violence occurs.

You get these symptoms because stress and anxiety cause a build up of nervous energy in the body. When there is nowhere for this energy to go, it can lead to problems. We feel bad; anxious, afraid, uptight, overly worried and ready to burst.

Stress can cause an amalgam of health problems or exacerbate existing health issues. Possible symptoms of stress are anxiety, back pain and stiffness, constipation or diarrhea, depression, fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, lack of sleep, relationship problems, shortness of breath, upset stomach, overeating or under eating, weight gain or weight loss, sudden and unexplained bouts of crying and feelings of being overwhelmed.

Any doctor will tell you there are simple ways to ease your symptoms. Don't worry about uncontrollable circumstances. Achieve small things to make the big problems seem less impossible and feel a sense of accomplishment. Prepare well for upcoming events you know could affect your life. Don't ignore conflict or avoid it if it will resolve issues with others. Talk to someone about your problems with a person that doesn't live under the same roof, like a friend or counselor. Set attainable goals for yourself and avoid trying to do too much. Get exercise and sunshine as much as possible. Eat well; don't under eat or over eat. Learn how to meditate and do it on a regular basis. Meditation for 15 minutes is worth up to 2 hours of rest. Do not substitute meditation for good night's rest. Pick up a hobby you enjoy that isn't stressful, like quilting, playing guitar, fishing or even sports.

Dr. Yuen is offering a free Energy Healing Course to teach patients how to deal with stress more effectively. With these classes you can resolve headaches, learn methods for pain elimination, and instant healing caused by stress. To learn more about the benefits of energetic healing, visit Dr. Yuen's website at

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